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Starting Over Stronger: How I Conquered Loss and Found Myself

In February of 2022, I enrolled at Southern New Hampshire for an associate in marketing, which I earned in June of 2023. As the end of that program approached, I decided to continue on in the business program. Today is the conferral date for my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in...
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The Dream Case

1876, New York City’s Central Park. It was large, and it was loud. People walking, talking, laughing. There were trees large and small, paths short and long. And on one small bench by the side of a path sat little Mae Carmine. Mae Carmine was about nine years old. She had large blue eyes, blonde...
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It’s Not The Beginning…

For years, I dreamed of starting a blog. After attending college for graphic design and then working as a web designer, it seemed like a natural progression.  But I never did.  There were many reasons, but I think at the base of it was a lack of confidence. I didn’t think anyone would want to...
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