It’s Not The Beginning…

For years, I dreamed of starting a blog. After attending college for graphic design and then working as a web designer, it seemed like a natural progression. 

But I never did. 

There were many reasons, but I think at the base of it was a lack of confidence. I didn’t think anyone would want to read what I had to say. However, I have reached this magical stage of “who cares?” and decided to go for it. And if my sister were the only one to read it (Hi, Jill!), I’d be perfectly okay with that. However, I do hope others read it. 

This blog is my platform to share my unique voice, offering solutions to problems and comfort to those navigating similar challenges.

Another factor was my uncertainty about what to write. Writing the first post – the beginning – felt so consequential. But how do I pinpoint the beginning of my journey? 

Was it the moment I chose graphic design over marine biology or when I embraced full-time parenthood? 

Perhaps it was when I started my woodworking journey or when my life took an unexpected turn, shattering the “ordinary.” 

Eventually, I recognized that every day offers a new beginning, enabling me to simply start from today.

So, in the words of the late, great Robert Jordan, 

It’s not the beginning, but it is a beginning.